
TrekTexas is the place to find information on primo outdoor activities in the state of Texas. Now, we’re not a doing the alone though, so instead of merely displaying our information, we’d rather this be more of a community virtual meeting place for folks to suggest their favorite hideaways or Texas sweet spots.  We’re all ears, so as long as wherever you suggest can be found beyond your home in the city then it’s fair game for publication on the site.

We’re about finding that sick trail that leads to the cliff where you touched the face of God…or just pitched camp, told dirty jokes, and enjoyed a beer with your friends among the crickets. Either one is a-okay with us. We’re for the dramatic and the simple chill-tastic experience.  From adventure-based activities like hiking and rock climbing, to more leisure trips like natural spring soaking and canoeing, we, with your help, get people outside enjoying all that Mother Nature has to offer.

Who We Are:


Ashton Brown has mad love for the outdoors.  His passion for nature came from early exposure during road trips through Central Texas. Today, he is a web designer in Austin who wants to share his enthusiasm with other like-minded people.

Although he’s acting as design director of the TrekTexas the ideas, content and photography still come from the community that use the site. Please contribute your website ideas on our Feedback Page.

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